May 13, 2016

My Garden

A couple months ago, I decided I wanted to plant some flowers outside. Since we don't actually own the house we are staying in, I didn't want to plant flowers in a garden out back (goals for when we actually own a house-see 20 years from now), so I settled for planting them in pots.

I've been "growing" mint inside for about a month and a half now, and by that I mean it's in the house, and I've slowly been killing it. I'm terrible at remembering to water it, or open the shades to let some light into the dining room. I figured its best chance for survival would be outside with the flowers I potted, so I would actually remember to water it (so far, so good).

To replace the mint on the table, I switched to succulents (side note: if you ever want an instant pick-me-up, go to Home Depot and walk around in the plant and flowers section)! What a beautiful, beautiful plant they are! They are also super resilient, and you don't have to water them that often, so not only do they liven up the dining room, but they have a great chance of living. It's a win-win!

Last week, I got around to actually planting the flowers outside. I assumed it would take awhile to see any green, but that didn't stop me from checking in on them every day (I mean, I have to water them you know...). I am happy to announce though, that two of the pots already have green showing (not pictured below)! I'm so excited for the flowers to start blooming, and to have them sprucing up the place!

Below are a few picture I took so you can see the "before" pictures, and fingers crossed we end up with some beautiful "after" pictures (except for the succulents, because they're already grown and beautiful!).

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