Apr 24, 2016

Military Brat

April- Month of the Military Child (also commonly referred to as a "military brat"). I grew up as a military brat, and wouldn't have changed a thing about the lifestyle I grew up in. I'm excited that our future children will also get to grow up as military brats. I know, I know, there are hardships that come along with the territory, but the good seriously outweighs any "bad" there may be.

Military brats grow up in a world where they're forced to adapt to their surroundings, and the changes going on in their lives. They are quick to make new friends, but still stay connected to friends who may not live in the same area (thanks internet!). They get the opportunity to travel to new and exciting places, and experience things other children don't. They also have a unique respect for those serving our country (I think any time you're "connected" to the military, it makes your pride run a little deeper).

I had the best experiences growing up as a military brat, and I know I can't speak for every single kid who has ever lived the military lifestyle, but I don't think you'll find many who will disagree with me. The experiences and opportunities I had made me who I am today, and I'm grateful for that! I'm also grateful to still be living the military lifestyle, this time as a wife. Being on the wife side of things is a lot different than being on the kid side, but I wouldn't trade either for anything!

Below is a picture of a dandelion, in honor of the Month of the Military Brat (taken by my awesome photographer of a dad)! Dandelions are the flower of the military brat, and they obviously hold a special place in my heart, but also, how awesome is this picture?!

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