Mar 7, 2016

Rock Climbing

Y'all, I had a flashback to my childhood on Friday night. The husband and I were headed to base to watch the new Star Wars movie, and I forgot my ID card. Half way to base, I had the sudden realization that I hadn't grabbed my ID, and turned to the husband to let him know. All I could think about was forgetting it as a kid, and not remembering until we were at the gate, as dad was asking for our ID cards. Though not as "terrifying" as it was as a kid, it was still a pretty big inconvenience. I'm sure that it "won't happen again"...for at least the next couple of months anyway.

After heading home to get it, and thinking we were going to miss the movie, we arrived with 1 minute to spare...and found out they were having technical difficulties anyway. It took awhile for them to get the movie up and running, but it was so worth the wait! It was my favorite Star Wars movie! I've heard it's generally the favorite of those who aren't super in to Star Wars, so it makes sense. I have even committed myself to seeing the next one when it comes out!

On Saturday morning, I went to the monthly coffee for our SOSA group, and they held a Smooth Move class. The instructor gave us a lot of useful information regarding moving in the military, and I'm no longer dreading our next move (whenever that will be). It would have been helpful to have some of that information for our last move, but I'm happy to have the information now. It will definitely come in handy!

After the meeting, I went home and picked the husband up to head to the Lumberjack Festival that was being held at the university behind our house. I know he was a little disappointed with how amateur the whole thing was, but it was still pretty entertaining. Knife and axe throwing are serious business!

Sunday was a mix of relaxation and adventure. We met up with some friends for lunch and then headed to go rock climbing at an indoor facility in Pensacola. The husband is use to the whole rock climbing scene, having taught kids how to do it as an instructor at boy scout camp for several summers. I, on the other hand, had tried (unsuccessfully) one other time, for a time span of maybe 5 minutes. This time was different though, thank goodness! When we got there, we had a 10 minute class on getting set up as the climber and as the belayer (the person at the bottom making sure you don't die).  Then we were set free to climb any of the walls we wanted. I pretty much mastered the easy wall, and impressed the husband with some fancy foot work... My plan is to work my way up to the more difficult walls (you know, the ones my husband already has mastered).

Just a little bit before we left, another group came in- a mom and three boys. The husband offered to belay for them as well so the kids could have more time on the wall. It was so sweet to see him in his element, and to catch the looks of admiration from the boys. I offered to belay for them as well, but I guess it just wasn't as cool having a girl do it. ;)

Below are some pictures from our rock climbing adventure!


  1. Loving your blog! Glad you decided to pick it back up!

  2. Thank you, that means a lot! And thanks for the inspiration to go public with it! :)
